Press information

Our press officers ensure that journalists receive answers to their questions as quickly as possible. They look for the information or refer you on if necessary. We can also arrange appointments for interviews with one of our spokespersons.

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The contact details on this page are explicitly for journalists and media. Is this not you?

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Do you have a question and want to get in touch with a local office?

Our press officers

Need media enquiries or press information? Find your topic in the list below and contact the relevant press officer. Our colleagues are happy to help!


Anhela Alickovic

+31 6 42125326

Asylum procedures

Europe/migration pact

International/country policy


Return policy


Ana Karadarević

+31 6 42125349

Children in shelter


Integration and civic integration

Labor participation


Lolkje de Vries

+31 6 143 754 16



Family reunification


Teije Brandsma

+31 6 222 199 70

Coordination Press Department

Is your topic not listed or is email your preferred form of communication? Please email

International media

As the Dutch Council for Refugees, our focus and priority is on Dutch national media. Especially in busy times, it can therefore occur that we are unable to deal with your international media request. For a comparison of several refugee and asylumseekers-related topics in different EU countries; please check AIDA, the Asylum information database and the Comparator.

For questions about emergency aid projects in crisis areas worldwide, we kindly refer you to Stichting Vluchteling and UNHCR Nederland.